Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 1 again.

So good intentions, road to hell...etc. etc.
I haven't been so good with my diet this week..i had two days that were spot on, and it was pretty much downhill from there.

So much like I did when quitting smoking, we begin again. Tomorrow is Day 1!

I'm making the timeline until I leave for New Orleans on April 16th...when, as you know, all bets are off for a while :-).
So I have 32 days to work with eating well and exercising regularly.


  1. Keep up the great work. I love Day matter how many we have. I think it is an excellent idea to do things over...vs. saying to hell with it all and not caring. You are a fabulous inspiration.

  2. but why am I so hungry on Day 1??
    You are a fabulous inspiration too, my dear :-)

  3. I have to agree, day 1 is always a wonderful step in a good direction (usually). It is always the ground work for what you are striving for and to me that is always very exciting.
