Saturday, August 1, 2009

Perfect Weight, Chapter 1 for Danielle

First, I want to thank Kristy for the wonderful idea to read this book together. She's motivated me so much this year! I was doing yoga (because I was thinking "WWKD?") and saw a mention of this book in the back of the DVD materials...which I'm sure I was ready to kill time and avoid actually doing the yoga poses. Anyway...

I love how the book starts with this sentence in the intro:
"Your ideal weight, therefore, cannot be expressed as a three-digit number on a chart mass-produced by an insurance company."

What an idea! Deepak totally won be over by telling me that mmy perfect weight is subjective and that I am the sole person who can determine what it is - AND - only my opinion is the only one that truly matters. Heck, this is all on the first page. I read this while sitting in Starbucks drive thru waiting for the drink I'm sure I didn't really want any way.

I like Deepak's simplification ideas. After spending the day with a child who keeps saying "watch the attitude, Mommy" ~ simple is something I really, really NEED!!!

Since I've totally sucked at the WW@W attempt and am out way too much moola, I am eager to get started on this "eat when you are hungry" concept. It just sounds so logical. I've already stopped myself several times today from eating just to eat. I almost ran to Starbucks because the child was driving me insane, and I thought I deserved a treat. I was going to grab a brownie, because I'm tired/bored/sleepy and made myself a glass of water instead. Hmmm...very interesting! I can see why the WW@W isn't working...I hate to be told what to do. I don't care if it makes all the sense in the world...nobody is the boss of me (other than my boss ~ for the sake of keeping my income). I have to watch carefully for F and E. I seem to hit both with not much in the middle.

I read Chapter 2 at the park today, but need to take the quizes and such. I have a nap planned, so it may be another day before I get that far. Napping helps me not eat. And, just maybe, it will help with that attitude issue I seem to have today. HA!


  1. You know Weight Watchers was always tough for me too. Something about all that point and calorie counting.. and i was always starving! :) i haven't finished Ch. 2 either. a nap sounds about right ;-)

  2. You'll appreciate this...just as I dozed off, Ryan showed up with Starbucks. :)

  3. lol. i'm guessing he didn't want you to "nap". Very considerate and thoughtful :-)
