Saturday, June 6, 2009

Awe Sugar...Awe honey honey.

I'm having such a hard time believing that any of this working out will help me lose weight.
This week has continued my run as the candy-crazed woman @ work who cannot pass the candy dish w/o helping myself.

And once again, i am eating food that makes my stomach hurt.

I've also been toying with yet another new diet to snap me out of my bad habits. this one is the Candida diet.

According to an Asian woman who runs O.R. Smoothies in the Central West End, she can see AND feel that I very likely have systemic Candida which makes it hard to lose weight, increases likelihood of yeast infections, and slows a person down. Which is a problem that natural health practitioners feel 80% of the population has, and 100% of traditional MDs will not treat.

And I love natural practitioners. There's just enough truth in each suggestion they make to make me believe...and is a solution is less than $50, and involves mostly a change in habits, I'm sold.

"The yeast crave the sugar...make you eat more. This kill the yeast, make you slim and beautiful.".

Ah well, we'll try it for 7 days and see what happens. 7 days never killed anybody. I did almost diet that time I tried a 1700 calorie diet for 7 days though...i let you's know when i decide to do it and what happens.


  1. Interesting! Keep us updated. Are you going to do the colon cleanse? You know that's my fav thing to read about. :)

    I'm pepping myself up to post a blog one of these days. I've been on Weight Watchers detention although I have lost two weeks in a row. Just gotta get out of the mental funk, and I'll be back. My baby turns three on Tuesday...maybe that is mentally freaking me out!

  2. WW detention? Do they put you in a locked room and put a chocolate cake just out of reach?? :-)

    I'm a little grossed out with my own eating habits...I swing wildly in and out of eating well...sigh.

    I don't think I could EVER stomach a colon cleanse. It's too anal poor choice of's too Type A personality for me. ;-)
