Saturday, August 29, 2009

TV and my good intentions

I love TV. I gave it up by quitting cable and just gorging on DVD's some evenings and weekends...but they were finite....

Now i met And it's taken over.

Sometimes I watch quality shows...but not often. the bulk of what I watch on tv just makes me feel good for the moment...with relationships that are interesting, and full of intrigue...and everything works out in the end...
everyone is pretty, and knows how to say what they mean and feel...or learns how to in 30-60 min.

And now it's all available for free on oh ya, you other cable-less people head to hulu. you'll see what I'm talking about

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weird hunger lately

It's crazy but i have experienced a week of being hungry frequently, and the hunger is a little excessive, and craves heavy food, even just junk.

I'm not sure why this is, but it continued, then changed towards the end of the week. I was getting hungry, but i felt very turned off by food. i couldn't figure out what to eat!

Don't know why, but it was weird....
on the upside...i went to my family's annual float trip, and had such a great time. and i didn't overeat....but i did eat whatever I wanted. Had just a few wings on sat night. had a nice meal of ribs, tato salad, and beans...and didn't finish it all (unusual :-).

It was so nice. I think that my mind and such are starting to sync up a lot better. so that when i am hungry, i eat...and when i am full...i stop...and actually don't want more.

Not every time...but I'm noticing it much more frequently than i used to.

Very simple, but something i've not done a lot in the past.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Weekly intention: Daily exercise

My new guru, deepak, does a weekly intention on his blog. Mark this as the first of mine.

This week I intend to do 30-60 min of activity daily, such as walking, swimming, volleyball, etc..
This will be my focus for the week.

Since it's monday, and i tend to be overly ambitious on Monday's, I will also try these "sub-intentions" from Deepak's Perfect weight book

  1. Sip hot water throughout the day (1-2 sips every 30 min)
  2. Cook my own food.
  3. do the dry loofah massage each day (this feels Amazing btw.)
And here I'm taking a page from Danielle...and stopping.
The one thing he recommends that i should probably do is "eating in a quiet environment focusing on the food".
I have trouble with this. I really like to read or watch tv while eating alone. I'll either work up to it, or figure something out...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Chapter 3 and Fudge Grahams

Okay, I'm here to endorse the new 1/2 dipped Fudge Grahams. While my mouth did ask "hey, where's the chocolate," my mind (and my behind) were very excited that I was eating something not TERRIBLY bad for me. Yay. Of course, this was on the heals of 1 1/2 BLTs. But I did eat four apple slices. And some Snapea Crisps...I like those and it is something green the child will eat.

Anyway, I'm skipping WW@W this week. I haven't really skipped deliberately yet, so I'm going to take this one as my first total avoidance week. I can't wait for my 12 weeks to be up. Which is sad...on one hand, I'm out lots of cash. On the other, I've only gained weight. On one foot, I hate going to the meetings...and on the other foot, I really hate going to the meetings. I would, however, like to go back to TOPS. I will have to discuss that w/my hubby since we had to stop going thanks to a work project that is still ongoing. I thought work meeting would really rock. However, they are held at work. With co-workers. And it just truly feels like work. It's hard to explain. And this is a public forum. I love my job. I want to keep it...

I'm going to work on some ideas I got from Chapter 3 of Perfect Weight. I haven't tried the loofah or sesame oil massages yet. Anything that tacks two minutes onto my "get ready for work" routine is uninteresting to me. I'm constantly late as it is. However, Deepak discusses the doshas that are dominate during different hours of the day. I would like to work on his ideas that I should be in bed by 10am and up by 6am. I think getting up by 6pm would also eliminate issues I have with my daughter's new found habit of coming downstairs each morning and climbing into bed w/us to watch cartoons.

Deepak also discussed that after we did our two weeks of eating when we are hungry, we should start consistantly eating lunch at the same time (at noon or 12:30). And, like we've heard elsewhere, making lunch the biggest meal of your day. The eating constantly is a big struggle with me. I eat at 11 some days and at 2 others...if I eat at all.

The most interesting thing I found about Chapter 3 is that he suggests that you really don't need breakfast. He said some people do need cereal or toast and all that...but keep it simple. I like that because on my diets or eating programs, I feel very forced to eat breakfast. And I'm not really hungry when I wake up. We'll see how it all goes. I really do need to step up and get with some program. This getting fatter and older isn't really working out. I don't feel fat...and maybe that's my problem (said the person typing w/her pants unbuttoned because she may have had one cookie too many)...sigh.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Dinner Table

So Chapter 3 of our little "Perfect Weight" book is a bit controversial, as he recommends "self-massage" with a loofah. So far it doesn't bother me. I can't wait to hear what Danielle says :-).

Another big part of it is changing your eating habits to become more mindful of the food you are eating..working to slowly chew and eat and savor every bite...doing so in a calm environment.

Which brings me to my story. Recently, I was lucky enough to sit down to dinner with my parents, 2 of my 3 brothers and my niece and nephew on a a Tuesday night.

My brother and Mom tag teamed on frying bacon for bacon/lettuce/tomato sandwiches. (yum)
Then everyone started piling into the kitchen to help, backseat fry, and/or just generally harass the kitchen staff. the meal was great. BLT's with your choice of jelly/butter toast or Mayo. ( Both, duh).

Then I promptly sat down and ate 3 different sandwiches and quite possibly 1/2 lb of bacon (we made a total of 3 lbs. we. like. bacon.).

I was STUFFED. and i realized that i ate all of that in about 10 min. it felt like the whole evening was on Fast Forward. My brother had to get the kids home and showered and put to bed. I still had to drive an hour to get home, younger bro and Dad were working in the shop.
Crazy busy.
ALSO...we've always joked at how quickly my family can put down a meal. we are efficent eaters and can polish off an entire meal together in about 10-15 min. Always have. My theory is that we are 3 boys, 1 girl. Boys are generally competitive, and the one that finishes his first portion first, gets to the leftovers faster.

Just cousin are a family of all girls. At big family get togethers...they are the last ones to finish eating. And if they don't like something they don't eat it off of their plate. (huh?).

It says a lot about my current habits. When there is something really tasty (pizza, fries, etc) I'm usually eating my first portion...eyeballing the rest.

Ok. that's all :-).

Still believe that 3 lbs of bacon is a perfectly healthy amount though. it's so salty-delicious!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh sweet #6

What the hell is it about beer, that makes me incapable of gauging how full I am? And what is it about pizza that makes it so easy to eat 10 times as much as you need?

Sat night we had such a good time. went to see the Arch Rival Roller Girls (ARRG) roller derby bout against Fort Wayne, Indiana (the bombers or something). and had 2 beers, mini-corn dogs for dinner, then pop corn, and a soda (I was hungry. Swear). then my friend was hungry (friends don't let friends hit "E"...especially when they weigh 99 lbs soaking wet). and i proceeded to polish off half of an undercooked pizza.

I'm not proud. nor did i feel full. until i woke up this morning with a belly ache from all the dough, cheese, and such.

Today was similar. grazing and eating too much at a family party. going to have to work on not sitting right by the deer sausage...

I haven't hit "F" yet. I have managed to keep it at a decent level 6 (Scale is 0-1 ready to eat...2,3,4 how you feel when you are eating and getting full. 5-6 is when you should stop....don't hit F and don't hit E.)

Perfect Weight, Chapter 2 for Danielle

Chapter 2 is about discovering your Ayurvedic (traditional Indian science of health) body type. Concept: successful weight control programs should be designed to meet your individual needs.

There are three doshas that make up Ayurvedic body types - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This chapter gives a quiz for you to determine your body type. My type is Pitta. Pitta's basic function coverns bodily functions concerned with heat and metabolism. While this is my dominant dosha, I can see how I definitely possess a portion of all three. (My next highest score was for the Vata type, followed closely by Kapha.)

I found the characteristics of the Pitta type totally fascinating. Of course I can see myself in some that totally stand out: tendency to become angry or irritable under stress, fair skin w/freckles, aversion to sun/hot weather and (of course) sharp intelect. I do tend to take command of a situation or, often, feel that I should. I also can see how I'm too demanding, sarcastic and critical at times.

This chapter was interesting. Mostly the information is prep for the following chapters. If you know what your body type is, you can get in touch with your innter intelligence. I have already read the next few chapters, so I can see how this all comes into play for laying out the ground work for my "perfect weight."

I've continued to eat when hungry today. I even made sure to stop at 6 on my hunger level meter during dinner. I was tempted to finish...and tempted to finish Ryleigh's. But I was good. The child and I did share a skim milk/strawberry/banana shake after going to the grocery store. I didn't put much thought into if I was hungry for that.

Of all the stuff I've heard lately about weight loss (and I do belong to two weight loss groups!), this all seems very logical. As I've ready ahead, I can see how it is all very logical. But lots of things make more sense when someone actually spells it out for you. I'm eager to continue on to see what makes sense for my dominate body type.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Perfect Weight, Chapter 1 for Danielle

First, I want to thank Kristy for the wonderful idea to read this book together. She's motivated me so much this year! I was doing yoga (because I was thinking "WWKD?") and saw a mention of this book in the back of the DVD materials...which I'm sure I was ready to kill time and avoid actually doing the yoga poses. Anyway...

I love how the book starts with this sentence in the intro:
"Your ideal weight, therefore, cannot be expressed as a three-digit number on a chart mass-produced by an insurance company."

What an idea! Deepak totally won be over by telling me that mmy perfect weight is subjective and that I am the sole person who can determine what it is - AND - only my opinion is the only one that truly matters. Heck, this is all on the first page. I read this while sitting in Starbucks drive thru waiting for the drink I'm sure I didn't really want any way.

I like Deepak's simplification ideas. After spending the day with a child who keeps saying "watch the attitude, Mommy" ~ simple is something I really, really NEED!!!

Since I've totally sucked at the WW@W attempt and am out way too much moola, I am eager to get started on this "eat when you are hungry" concept. It just sounds so logical. I've already stopped myself several times today from eating just to eat. I almost ran to Starbucks because the child was driving me insane, and I thought I deserved a treat. I was going to grab a brownie, because I'm tired/bored/sleepy and made myself a glass of water instead. Hmmm...very interesting! I can see why the WW@W isn't working...I hate to be told what to do. I don't care if it makes all the sense in the world...nobody is the boss of me (other than my boss ~ for the sake of keeping my income). I have to watch carefully for F and E. I seem to hit both with not much in the middle.

I read Chapter 2 at the park today, but need to take the quizes and such. I have a nap planned, so it may be another day before I get that far. Napping helps me not eat. And, just maybe, it will help with that attitude issue I seem to have today. HA!

Perfect Weight, Chapter 1 for Kristy

Danielle and I are reading "Perfect Weight" by Deepak Chopra.

So i finished Chapter 1 last night, and true to form, Deepak is making me feel pretty good about myself even though I'm overweight. There are several thought provoking questions at the end of the chapter...all focused on "Are you losing weight becuase it's something you need to do for yourself?"
Not to fit in. Not to be like models, not to look like Scarlett Johansenn. not to fit into your high school prom dress.

You are doing it to be true to yourself. I like that.

The first "exercise" he gives is to only eat when you are hungry for 2 i'm giving that a try right now...
Eat only when your body signals that you are "empty" and ready to eat. While not a novel concept, it is harder than it seems.
And when you think you are put your hand on your stomach to focus your attention there. breathe in and out and see if you are truly feeling hungry. Do it no matter the time of day.

Two feelings to avoid: rated: F: which is OVERFULL like after a thanksgiving dinner
and E: so empty that you are ravenous.

So far (1 meal in) i'm doing well..and am hungry and ready for meal #2.

he asks that you try it out for 2 your body can reset itself and you get reacquainted with your hunger.

My progress....since last time

So...I declared it "get clean week"... Nix the extreme diet plans (oops. forgot had to go to mom and dad's, and Kyle @ work's bday) and i didn't get more than 1 day of strength training in...

But I did do something i haven't managed to do in a couple of years, and that is get in some sort of cardio every day. Rock on. Two swims this week, 3 walks, and 1 good yoga session in the park on Monday morning @ 6:30. I freakin' rock...

(And all those other resolutions were a smoke screen...haha).