Monday, July 27, 2009

The Healthcare debate, Deepak says Prevention!

Couple of very interesting points..including...
With all the early detection and advanced treatments, a cancer patient today is by no means guaranteed to live longer than a cancer patient in our grandparents' generation.

The majority of medical costs go to treating three conditions: obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. As this society grows fatter, older, and less likely to exercise regularly, all three will rise, and yet sensible prevention would go a long way to halt or reverse that trend.
Er, so i think this is the polite Indian way of saying "Start moving, and eat better!!".

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Greens , Ginger, and detoxing again

My new favorite food is greens. Along with Bananas they are now a staple on my grocery list. All i have to do is saute up onions, garlic, add tomatos' then wilt the greens in the pan. Yum yum delicious.

My current favorite thing to do with this is to pour it over boiled potatos.

Next I think i'm going to eat it as a side with...just about ANYTHING. YUM.

So this week, I'm going to focus again. I have gained back any weight I lost earlier on this year (2-3 lbs). Plus I've been going back and forth into my bad habits of eating way too much and sitting in front of the tv.

so this week, I'm focusing...
  • Detox diet for 7 days: No sugar, no meat, no alcohol. fruits and veggies for snacks, no White starchie carbs (except Potatos. I don't believe in the white potato freakout).
  • Lots of Ginger tea. Deepak says overweight people have an excess of Kapha (mucus, heavy feelings etc.) and that Ginger tea helps to move kapha along.
  • To bed early, out of bed early to do...
  • Daily cardio, and walking my dog twice a day (the second one is to deal with guilt).
  • 3-5 days of strength training via weights, yoga, or isometric exercises. I'm playing with this...more on that this week.
  • Giving up TV. I've sunk back into a habit of watching videos at night for 2-3 hours @ a time. YIKES! So i'm going to take them out of the equation.
  • Attempt to meditate daily...the lack of Video's should help.
  • maybe quit biting my nails again. we'll see how this goes!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ultimate Sunday debate

Do i make English Muffin pizzas in the toaster oven, or dine al fresco at my local neighborhood tavern and get a thin crust STL style??

Hmmm. I think the walk and a beer would do me good. Wish i had some company though.

This has been a gorgeous day, but one of the loneliest I've had in a while. I spent the day reorganizing my tupperware cabinet (boring - yes, necessary...also yes).

I have been treating myself all week long though...Ice Cream at least 3 nights, last night was a taco bell run, then cheese and crackers @ 1 AM. (damn beers. Have 3 lousy beers and all of a sudden i'm an eating machine!).

Deepak says that you should eat two handfuls of food, and then see if you are still hungry. if you are eat a bit more. this will help you to be more conscoius of your food, and not to deny yourself.

He also says to drink a LOT of ginger tea.
That's all. i'm hungry now...more to come!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Meditation for Weight loss

So...i'm still in love with Deepak's book..."Perfect Health".

something beautiful (get your barf bag out, Danielle :-).

He has an entire chapter on Freedom from Addictions, and in that chapter he addresses the use of meditation to treat them.
Some addictions are a way to "treat" ourselves and/or medicate ourselves from misery and pain. We use the cigarettes, alcohol to provide some kind of relief and then continually turn to them.
When using meditation, most addictions/self abuse problems just "fall away" because they are consistently connecting to their own source of calm, serenity, and joy.

By reconnecting to your personal center of joy, you shift your outlook and lose the "need" to use a drug, drink, or food to make your world brighter...the meditation automatically makes the world a brighter place.

My major addictions were nicotine, caffeine, and still food. When i'm tired, agitated, or emotional i turn to food and television to help ease myself out of my funk. Heavy food helps to drown out the anxiety i often feel in the pit of my stomach, and tv turns my worry away from myself and to other people's problems.

And he's definitely right! When i quit smoking, i started life. I started doing yoga, playing volleyball and softball regularly and really connecting with the world in a new way.

Trying meditation is not hard. It's as simple as breathing and sitting still. Let me know if you want to try it!