Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I lost 2 lbs...

Let's see...that makes a grand total of 7 ish lbs in 4 months...hmmm :-).
I'm happy!! But if I'm going to lose 20 by Sept, i'm going to need to kick it up a notch...

I have several options/ways to go...

  • Train with a trainer once a month...some friends have recommended a great one.
  • Start a SURFING workout in preparation for my trip to Hawaii in October
  • Go veg at least 5-6 days per week
  • Quit drinking again for at least 30 days.
  • Do a long yoga session 3-4 days per week.
I'm super excited to get going! I'll be in New Orleans for work until next week..then i'll try and start ramping up!
I have a friend who has been busting her butt (literally) for a year now with a trainer, and her abs are like a washboard, and she is ripped everywhere!!

She's my new inspiration!!


  1. Congrats -- keep up the great work. A surfing workout sounds fun. You need a very hot tutor for that!!!

  2. Hmm. This is soo true! Where will i find such a tutor..;-). Have to go looking!
