Saturday, April 25, 2009

Eat like a New Orleanian

I cannot say that I've been an enlightened individual for the last week...I've only worked out once for maybe 15 min. I did a couple of short swims...and I walked all over New Orleans every day.
So i can say that i've worked a bit.

In working on a "Samkalpa" or a goal for the next 6-18 months i had to have specific statements that describe how I will feel once i reach my goal. Any time i catch myself going to bite my nails, I try to feel content, then repeat my "Samkalpa"

It sounds like this...

"I'm so relieved"
Once i reach this 20 year goal to lose enough weight to be under 172 lbs, my major feeling will be relief. I've been carrying this with me since i was 12, for whatever reason.

"I've lost 20 lbs".
When I say this to myself, i feel the excitement...and try to feel light...and imagine what my body might look like 20 lbs lighter.

"My joints are healthy and strong.".
One of the biggest problems i have is that I often have achey joints. they get overstretched and sometimes just underworked so they start to ache. weird, huh?

"I'm able to eat what I want and be satisfied."
This brings me to my trip. Lawdy. Did I eat good down in New Orleans, LA (NOLA). I had doube chocolate bread pudding. I had red beans and rice....Blackened ANYTHING Shrimp, alligator, Red Fish. Fried Oysters...Fried Oysters stuffed into crunchy, flaky bread.
Oh and the Beignets @ Cafe Du Monde are seriously something that I will ALWAYS remember. And when you order milk there it's either White or Chocolate...NO skim. :-) (Indian Ayurvedics believe that Milk fat is essential to good health.

How does this help me lose weight? Hmmm...well i have several things I could rant about...but very little time.

Food is one of the most delicious and fantastic parts of life. Eating the right food can actually conjure feelings.
It can also dampen them when you feel a crack addict we turn to it again and again to avoid feelings. Alcholics have the same problem, as do smokers.

So I guess my upshot is...Eat like a New Orleanian when you can. Walk lots, and eat what you WANT!
The problem is when you're not eating because you want something, but are eating to feed some other part of you.

Figuring that out is taking me a lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. You made me hungry! I hope your trip was awesome. The good part sounds fabulous.
