Sunday, August 9, 2009

Chapter 3 and Fudge Grahams

Okay, I'm here to endorse the new 1/2 dipped Fudge Grahams. While my mouth did ask "hey, where's the chocolate," my mind (and my behind) were very excited that I was eating something not TERRIBLY bad for me. Yay. Of course, this was on the heals of 1 1/2 BLTs. But I did eat four apple slices. And some Snapea Crisps...I like those and it is something green the child will eat.

Anyway, I'm skipping WW@W this week. I haven't really skipped deliberately yet, so I'm going to take this one as my first total avoidance week. I can't wait for my 12 weeks to be up. Which is sad...on one hand, I'm out lots of cash. On the other, I've only gained weight. On one foot, I hate going to the meetings...and on the other foot, I really hate going to the meetings. I would, however, like to go back to TOPS. I will have to discuss that w/my hubby since we had to stop going thanks to a work project that is still ongoing. I thought work meeting would really rock. However, they are held at work. With co-workers. And it just truly feels like work. It's hard to explain. And this is a public forum. I love my job. I want to keep it...

I'm going to work on some ideas I got from Chapter 3 of Perfect Weight. I haven't tried the loofah or sesame oil massages yet. Anything that tacks two minutes onto my "get ready for work" routine is uninteresting to me. I'm constantly late as it is. However, Deepak discusses the doshas that are dominate during different hours of the day. I would like to work on his ideas that I should be in bed by 10am and up by 6am. I think getting up by 6pm would also eliminate issues I have with my daughter's new found habit of coming downstairs each morning and climbing into bed w/us to watch cartoons.

Deepak also discussed that after we did our two weeks of eating when we are hungry, we should start consistantly eating lunch at the same time (at noon or 12:30). And, like we've heard elsewhere, making lunch the biggest meal of your day. The eating constantly is a big struggle with me. I eat at 11 some days and at 2 others...if I eat at all.

The most interesting thing I found about Chapter 3 is that he suggests that you really don't need breakfast. He said some people do need cereal or toast and all that...but keep it simple. I like that because on my diets or eating programs, I feel very forced to eat breakfast. And I'm not really hungry when I wake up. We'll see how it all goes. I really do need to step up and get with some program. This getting fatter and older isn't really working out. I don't feel fat...and maybe that's my problem (said the person typing w/her pants unbuttoned because she may have had one cookie too many)...sigh.

1 comment:

  1. You are cracking me up.

    I noticed that too about breakfast...of course i am starved by 10/11. so i keep something around...i can't think when i'm hungry :-).

    i need to work on better sleep habits as well!
