Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh sweet #6

What the hell is it about beer, that makes me incapable of gauging how full I am? And what is it about pizza that makes it so easy to eat 10 times as much as you need?

Sat night we had such a good time. went to see the Arch Rival Roller Girls (ARRG) roller derby bout against Fort Wayne, Indiana (the bombers or something). and had 2 beers, mini-corn dogs for dinner, then pop corn, and a soda (I was hungry. Swear). then my friend was hungry (friends don't let friends hit "E"...especially when they weigh 99 lbs soaking wet). and i proceeded to polish off half of an undercooked pizza.

I'm not proud. nor did i feel full. until i woke up this morning with a belly ache from all the dough, cheese, and such.

Today was similar. grazing and eating too much at a family party. going to have to work on not sitting right by the deer sausage...

I haven't hit "F" yet. I have managed to keep it at a decent level 6 (Scale is 0-1 ready to eat...2,3,4 how you feel when you are eating and getting full. 5-6 is when you should stop....don't hit F and don't hit E.)


  1. That's great that you have kept it level 6. That was my big accomplishment today, too!!! I forget the "am I hungry" party quite often.

    Have you taken your body type quiz? Maybe your digestion is slow. LOL! I don't want to really hear about how quickly you cleanse. HAHA!

    (I've been trying that reverse prayer yoga pose for the past two hours. I'm more flexible than I thought...not quite there yet. Rock on, Aunt Leona!)

  2. LOL. you are too funny. Ya, I am doing "ok" on the "am i hungry thing".

    I need to take the quiz. What were you??

    Aunt Leona won't demonstrate, but my mom swears!!
