Sunday, August 2, 2009

Perfect Weight, Chapter 2 for Danielle

Chapter 2 is about discovering your Ayurvedic (traditional Indian science of health) body type. Concept: successful weight control programs should be designed to meet your individual needs.

There are three doshas that make up Ayurvedic body types - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This chapter gives a quiz for you to determine your body type. My type is Pitta. Pitta's basic function coverns bodily functions concerned with heat and metabolism. While this is my dominant dosha, I can see how I definitely possess a portion of all three. (My next highest score was for the Vata type, followed closely by Kapha.)

I found the characteristics of the Pitta type totally fascinating. Of course I can see myself in some that totally stand out: tendency to become angry or irritable under stress, fair skin w/freckles, aversion to sun/hot weather and (of course) sharp intelect. I do tend to take command of a situation or, often, feel that I should. I also can see how I'm too demanding, sarcastic and critical at times.

This chapter was interesting. Mostly the information is prep for the following chapters. If you know what your body type is, you can get in touch with your innter intelligence. I have already read the next few chapters, so I can see how this all comes into play for laying out the ground work for my "perfect weight."

I've continued to eat when hungry today. I even made sure to stop at 6 on my hunger level meter during dinner. I was tempted to finish...and tempted to finish Ryleigh's. But I was good. The child and I did share a skim milk/strawberry/banana shake after going to the grocery store. I didn't put much thought into if I was hungry for that.

Of all the stuff I've heard lately about weight loss (and I do belong to two weight loss groups!), this all seems very logical. As I've ready ahead, I can see how it is all very logical. But lots of things make more sense when someone actually spells it out for you. I'm eager to continue on to see what makes sense for my dominate body type.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! You're a fiery pitta :-). I think i'm half kapha/half pitta...or i was the last time I took it :).

    My favorite part of the pitta is that if you get really hungry you HAVE to eat...or you die.

    At least that's how i read it. :-)
