Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's already March?

Unlike Kristy, I have no plan right at the moment. I find her details about detox and all that good stuff very inspiring. I'm pretty sure I would starve to death. Sugar is my friend. You can't effectively bribe a two year old without it!!! Stickers go only so far...

Seems like soooooo long ago when Kristy and I got together, talked about the blog, and decided to start over. The good news: I'm almost inspired again. The bad news: I'm easily bored. Every few years I want to radically change everything about my life to keep life exciting. The problem is that I'm just too exhausted after a stressful job and a child in (dirty) diapers. Yes, that's an excuse, but one that I find incredibly valid. Since my child is three times the size of other two year olds, I find her three times as exhausting (and I'm sticking with that story!).

My current inspiration: the hubby and I have talked about having another baby! I was pretty excited earlier in the week about the prospect of having another child. Then I realized how many hours I would have to stay awake day/night to take care of a newborn. If there is one thing I like more than eating, it is sleeping. And I've been blessed with a child who loves to sleep. What if the second one isn't like that??? The advantage is that I'm already eating for two (or three!). Ha! Just kidding...

Okay, I wrote this post out of guilt for neglecting my blogging duties. There really is no point. I'm fat. I'm tired. And...I'm thinking about being weight loss. Soon. Very soon.


  1. March came too fast. this much is true. New baby sounds fun though :-).
    You feeling ok otherwise?

  2. Feeling great! Other than I work really hard, never get promoted, and it has been raining all weekend long. :) Feeling great!
