Sunday, March 8, 2009


It's no secret that I not only love food...I absolutely Adore it.
I sit and think about new combinations and spices for old recipes...a couple of my co-workers and I sit around and think of ways to make bbq pork EVEN tastier. As I drive home from work I plan 1-2 meals to take care of my hunger.

This takes up a lot of mental space for me and makes me very happy. Ahhh.

So it's Time for another DETOX!! :-). I've successfully completed 2 rounds of "detox dieting" so far...and since it's very gentle and VERY healthy, I've doing 3 weeks this time around with 2-3 well planned and executed decadence-splurges to get me through (strawberry the homemade margaritas down @ Chimichanga's...).

We'll take one week off of dieting for good behavior, then do another 3 weeks.. (then go to New Orleans...which will be it's own post.)

Since the timeline is longer than just 9 days...I'm going to loosen the restrictions...

So the normal detox diet I was following called for eliminating foods. the Don'ts are...
  • White anything...rice, potato's, sugar etc.
  • heavy fats. only use olive oil sparingly, no p'nut butter, regular butter
  • no dried fruits...too much sugar.
  • Nothing fried
  • No meat.
  • no bread
The Do's

  • Unlimited fruits and veggies
  • Low fat cheese (1-2 oz max)
  • 2 cups whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat)
  • limited white rice. (ya, i know what it says above...but only so many restaurants serve brown rice. And the beauty of this diet is that I can eat @ Asian restaurants).
  • Lots of lentils, chickpeas, beans , tofu, etc. for Protein
  • Some nuts
  • 1 veggie patty per day (i LOVE these things now)


  1. Ya, too bad I now have to write another "Day 1" post.
    It's not unlike quitting smoking!! :-)
