Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another year, another resolution!

Hello out there! Since I (Danielle) am a totally new blogger, I’m going to start out basic and short. If I keep this up (and Kristy can kick my butt if I don’t!), I’ll sprinkle in all the good “get to know me” stuff along the way. I have to get the first post up and out or it will never happen. I’m totally lacking in all areas that require motivation.

My 2009 Resolutions:

  1. Get below 200 lbs
  2. Relax more
  3. Eat breakfast
  4. Buy shoes of color
  5. Drink more water
  6. Eat at more hole-in-the-wall spots
  7. Finish wedding scrapbook
  8. Play Wii more
  9. Learn how to cook better
  10. Paint and decorate house

Numbers 1, 3, and 5 have brought me here. Hopefully Number 6 won’t turn into something that prevents 1, 3, and 5. Number 8 and 2 are part of my new exercise plans.

Number 1 is my big thing. It is a HUGE step for me even to get close to telling my weight. I belong to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and don’t mind the ladies weighing me in knowing my weight. However, it freaks me out to discuss it with others. I have a mirror…enough said. I did read an article the other day about how married couples do all kinds of gross things in front of each other, but showing their weight is a big issue. I feel the same way…my husband knows all the intimate details but I hate, hate, hate talking about my weight with my husband (and mother). Don’t worry -- I’ve been to therapy plenty of times…I know the husband/mother connection is an issue. But that’s for another day!!!

I want to thank Kristy for sharing the whole blog thing with me. Since I have been a TOPS member since 2002, I know all about support and how important it is. I’m excited about the opportunities and optimism that always comes with the new year. Plus I love to talk about myself (I think my strange life really is an interesting read). And since I’m more of a copy-editor at work vs. a real writer, blogging will take care of many needs in my life. Until next time…

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