Monday, January 19, 2009

Ode to Pizza

Dear Pizza,

I'm sorry it's been awhile. I don't think we've ever been apart for this long, but you know what they say...Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I know you're not aware of this, but our relationship was very destructive...what with your gooey cheese, and tangy tomato sauce...I couldn't resist you...EVER! I would take advantage of you, hoarding you all to myself.
And then i would ignore you. Oh, sure, we'd share a meal, but my eyes would be focused on the TV during the whole thing.

So it was time for us to take a break...I hope the break is treating you well...I often think of you, whenever I have a tomato, or a small mozzarella cheese stick... i wonder what you're doing, and if you think of me whenever you put on your mushrooms and always knew my favorite.

Fear not, I know that we will meet again...and when we do, I'll be a stronger, better person for taking the time to really know myself, and to establish the strong boundaries I need to be in a relationship with you, Pizza..
