Monday, January 12, 2009

Motivation Revelation

Kristy's math is amazing. I have nothing that analytical to report. My mind shuts off when the little one goes to bed...

However, I think her last post ties in perfectly with the "Motivation for Fitness and Healthier Living" presentation (by Lew Schiffman) that I attended on Friday. All his information (and anything I quote) is taken or based on the book Getting Physical by Art Turock.

The #1 reason why Americans don't exercise is the reason "lack of time."

Recognize that not having the time is a trap. The trap is that each of us has a fixed sense of what can "reasonably" be done in a given day including sleep, work, family, and social activities. If there doesn't appear to be enough available time for exercise, an "either - or" situation is created.

Committed exercisers find ways to have it all. They give up a rigid attachment to their existing schedule and adjust it to include time for all important commitments. When you're committed to being fit, the time you have never had for exercising suddenly appears. The problem has never been lack of time as lack of commitment.

And this is my revelation -- I have plenty of motivation to exercise. Being around for many years to see my beautiful little girl grow up is my top motivator. The size 10 clothes hanging in our spare bedroom closet is a distant motivator, but it's there. Wanting to have another baby is a major motivator.

The point is that I have several motivators. However, I have zero commitment. Nada. None. I'm a total commitment-phobe. Always have been.

I think this is a giant step for me. I can quit wasting time trying to find my motivation. I know what my motivation is...and it has been here all along. Now, I need to commit. And I'll start working on that tomorrow. Or maybe Wednesday...


  1. Do you know what you need to commit?? maybe it's just one day a week of exercise to start with?
    Pick one thing that you at least mildly enjoy, be it cooking a veggie dish, or dancing, or ..?

    (Ideas, just did a brainstorming session @ work.)

  2. I appreciate ideas. I'm committed to getting Ryls and Ryan packed up and out the door tomorrow night (heading your way and then some)...then it is all about me, me, me!!!

  3. Awesome! time to yourself!
    I thought about this as I brushed my teeth this morning :-)....I say that because I started exercising through volleyball and yoga.
    I NEVER enjoyed it before, and all attempts at gym rat-ish-ness failed..until i had somehing I liked/loved...which was volleyball, and later on Yoga.
    and THEN it was easy.
