Thursday, January 8, 2009

High Heels

Ready for a jumble of thoughts?

I have found that high heels motivate me. They motivate me to stand taller, walk with purpose, and make me feel slimmer. One of my resolutions is to buy shoes of color. All my dress shoes are black. Most I had to throw out or donate due to my feet growing during my pregnancy.

Since this first month of posts is about our rededication, here is my update:
  1. I have eaten breakfast every day this week. One day I ate it for lunch, but I'm still proud.
  2. I have done my Walk Away the Pounds (one mile walk) two times this week. I'm not sure I did the workout two times last year.
  3. I'm attending a lunch and learn tomorrow to dine on salad and learn about motivation. Lord knows I need it.
  4. To help with my relaxation resolutions, the hubby and I are going to dinner tomorrow evening and taking the child to a Parent's Night Out event. We are seriously living dangerously here.
  5. Work is going exceptionally well. I was asked to head up a big project today that will spice up my work life. I have been working on fun projects all week and have thoroughly enjoyed being at work...with only one or two minor (stupid people) exceptions.
So far so good this year! Happy (almost) Friday!!!


  1. Hey Danielle, What's Parent's Night Out?
    And you're doing awesome! Did you find your motivation?

  2. There is a new little place that a friend recommended that has one bouncy and lots of slides and fun stuff for kids to do. I was able to drop Ryls off from 7pm until 11pm (well, much to her dislike, we picked her up at 10pm because Mommy was tired). You put them in their pjs and take their pillow. They have fun, eat dinner, and relax away from mommy and daddy. Ryleigh had tons of fun...I can't wait until the next Parent's Night Out. Maybe next time I can eat my dinner and not worry the entire time. She did very well.

    And, yes, I did find my motivation. I'll have to blog this weekend. It is not motivation I is commitment. Who knew?

    I hope today's volleyball is good. Sounds fun!
