Saturday, January 10, 2009

A whole week

It's been quite a week. I forgot that without television there could be so much to do.

Something about starting exercising regularly feels like it sucks up all my free time and that I'm soooo busy and overtaxed with things to do. My family mocks me when I whine...

I want to do the math on this...

Total time: 7 days X 24 hours/day = 168 hours per week.

Sleep: 7 days X 8 hours/day = 56 hours per week.

Work: 5 days X 8 hours/day = 40 hours per week

Drive time for work: 5 days/week X 0.5 hours/day =2.5 hours per week.

Household chores/essentials (bill pay, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, doggie/kitty upkeep, Grooming :-):

**Estimated, and I'm being very generous when I say "cleaning"

** 7 days per week X 3 hours/day = 21 hours per week

"Free time" =Total-(Sleep+Work+Household chores)

168-(56+40+21+2.5)=48.5 hours left.

Wow. That's an impressive bit of free time. Thinking it over though, because I am single and go home to animals each evening, I'm going to add "Quality Personal Human Interaction time". Time to be social, and talk with good friends and such. Because that's as essential to good health as cooking/cleaning etc. . So let's say:

Quality Personal Human Interaction Time: 7 days X 2 hours/day = 14 hours/week

168-(56+40+21+2.5+14) = 34.5 hours left.

Aargh let's look at the plan, shall we?

1 Swim = 2 hours,

(with travel time, 45-60 min of actual swimming +swim prep/cleanup etc.)

2 hours X 2 days per week = 4 hours/week.

1 Strength train = 1.5 hours /session.

1.5 hours X 2 days per week = 3 hours per week.

Yoga + Meditation 1 hour/ day = 7 hours per week

Uh oh...let's count it up...

7+3+4= 14 hours per week of my free time.

So it eats up about half of my free time.

Is that so bad? hmmm.... It's just harder than sitting on the couch watching DVD's of "The Desparate Housewives".


  1. You are such a science/math person it isn't even funny. Who breaks down things like that?! :)

  2. Seriously though. 15.5 hours leftover each week? What (wonder who's on Facebook) the heck (ooh, I could post this to Facebook) am I doing (better check myspace too) with that time??

  3. LOL! Oh, the biggest time waster. I loved the math. I was totally exhausted after reading this. First, you have an awesome commute. Second, you spend an awesome amount of time grooming!!! :)

  4. I'm left wondering: 1) How do you manage 8 hours of sleep? 2)How do you get away with only 40 hours at work? I need lessons.

  5. DF- I know. My work commute is awesome. I spent 6 months commuting 2 hours a day once and that was it. Couldn't take the highway that often so i moved to the city.

    GB- God it's hard for me not to make time for 10-12 hours of sleep. If I could, I would.
    As for's dependent on the days and the project, but i usually work a 40-hour week. If we're really busy, or on a tight deadline i workr more.
    I've been blessed with(and have chosen) bosses who are very smart about work/life balance.. they know that they get more out of me if I work 8 hours a day, and help me get there.
